### Lectures (advanced)
* Monte Carlo tools, invited lecture (2h),
at the summer school "From hadronic structure to heavy-ion collisions",
June 9-15 2024, IJCLab, Orsay, France
* EPOS4 – an overview, lecture (2h),
at the “THEOxPLASMA” meeting,
4 November 2022, Nantes, France
* From event generators to data comparison, invited lecture (3h),
at the summer school “Heavy Ion Collisions in the QCD phase diagram”,
29-30 July 2022, Nantes, France
### Lectures (basic physics)
* Monte Carlo Simulation (in english) [(SLIDES)](../html/mc.html)
* Modern Physics (in french) [(SLIDES)](../html/mod.html)
* Quantum Mechanics (in french) [(SLIDES)](../html/qua.html)
* Electromagnetism 1 (in french) [(SLIDES)](../html/ele.html)