## Version
The complete package, including source files and already predefined tables, is available as a tar file. Please download it and then follow the instructions in ["Install"](install.html).
What is new in EPOS4? Based on the requirement to have at LHC energies a formalism with multiple scatterings happening rigorously in parallel, in pp and AA collisions, we managed for the first time to get a fully selfconsistent scheme, compatible with the factorization approach, but allowing to go much beyond. Theoretical consistency (not fitting data) led to the implementation of *variable saruration scales*, where the latter depend in a well-defined way on the number of subscatterings. This has major consequences, in particular a hardening of events with multiplicity. It is a change of paradigm. The approach is unique, nobody implements this *rigorously parallel scheme*, by fully respecting energy-momentum conservation. It is also unique in the way it connects saturation and factorization. There ad-hoc assumptions, many details may be improved, but the general formalisms seems to be mandatory, driven by general principles as the parallel scattering requirement and energy-momentum conservation.
[Download EPOS4.0.0](https://box.in2p3.fr/s/Hrm4wKaCQemGECk)
What is new in version 4.0.3 ? The main new feature is the capability to link the HQ module (the whole package referred to as EPOS4HQ) which provides a more sophisticated treatment of heavy flavor. Pure EPOS4 creates heavy flavor partons in primary interactions. Via the HQ module, they interact with the plasma created by EPOS4, and a coalescence approach allows to combine plasma partons and HF partons to produce HF hadrons. Parameters have been retuned, considering a very large base of data on light flavor results, but also many HF observables were considered, using in all cases EPOS4HQ.
[Download EPOS4.0.3](https://box.in2p3.fr/s/g8aNMit2fKXLHYP)
[Download EPOS4HQ1.0 based on EPOS4.0.3 and HQ 5.13](https://box.in2p3.fr/s/oGNmaRCXDL4GDs8)
For the moment, EPOS4HQ is limited to open HF, quarkonia for pp will come soon.